Now back to the movie. Tyler Perry, such a wonderful man, outdid himself with this one. For what hollywood would consider a low budget movie, this one topped the box office with $21 million in sales. Janet Jackson's performance took some convincing but she got me eventually. Jill Scott made me cry. Tasha Smith made me laugh all throughout the movie. Michael Jai White took his shirt off once and I almost fainted. My, my my *fans self* Malik Yoba plays Janet's husband in the movie. They play the perfect couple on the outside but are going through so much pain on the inside. Tyler Perry really stepped out of the Madea box this time and played a loving husband whose wife was deceitful and selfish to him. All in all, it was a great movie. It's not a chick flick or a couple's flick. It's an everybody, except the witty bitty children flick. Go see it if you haven't already. I'm getting the DVD for sure.