
Kerry “Krucial” Brothers has been doing this thing called music for some times. He’s closely affiliated with Alicia Keys, but he’s his own man. On with the rumors…there have been rumors about them as long as I can remember. “Are they a couple? Are they dating? Secret lovers”” Blah Blah Blah! Anyway, in the latest interview in the DJ’s/Producers section, Krucial sorta addresses the rumors of the romance between him and Alicia. You know I have to ask, how do you and Alicia balance your business with your romantic relationship?
Krucial : (Laughs) We just peoples. We both have a love for music. So you’re saying that the rumors aren’t true?
Krucial : I am saying that the rumors are the rumors. Its all good, I take it as a grain a salt. I look at this a job and I love it. All the extra stuff is irrelevant. The only difference between myself and a person that works an ‘8 to 5' is that you see my work. Then there are all these shows that are focused on celebrities’ lives. I want to use the media to promote what I’m trying to promote and that’s it. If I am going to put myself out there it will be in a book so that myself and my children can benefit from it, not the media.